The association

The association
To believe is to be able, together
The association Creer es poder juntos, officially published in the Official Gazette in 2022, has been working since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic to assist families in difficulty. More than 20 families have been accompanied, helped and supported. Hundreds of meals have already been distributed, school supplies have been made available to children who are eager to learn, and small actions have had a great impact at the local level.
- Supporting people in need
- Working with the most disadvantaged
- Implementing sustainable solutions
- Create local economic opportunities
- Acting as advisors to leaders and populations
- Assist in all areas that allow for a better quality of life
A word from Emmanuel
2020, a trip to Ecuador planned. Fifteen days in the heart of the Amazon accompanied by a local guide. Two weeks dedicated to a renewal, a rediscovery, a slowing down far from the life at a thousand miles an hour that we know.
Everything is ready, the guide, the bag, the route. Mars, the borders are closing: the Covid-19 has put the planet on hold. There will be no voyage of discovery, but a time that must reinvent itself.
Paulo, my guide, regularly informs me about the local situation and the impact of the pandemic on the local population and the development of the already omnipresent poverty.
While the shopping carts here are filled with toilet paper and milk cartons, the situation in Ecuador is bad: basic necessities are cruelly lacking, and not only because of the pandemic. It is then that a first realization takes place: we have in France the access to all the products of first need. I decide to leave the deposit paid for the exploration of the jungle to the local guide, very moved, he shares with me what these 160$ will allow to accomplish and shares with me photos, videos, and testimonies of the impact of these donations.
I discover the life of communities in Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and others. I read, I inquire, I ask questions, I get in touch. I am ashamed. What if I were in their shoes with my children?
A question : What is my scope and power of action, here, locked up, several thousand kilometers away?
We are in a globalized world where contacts are facilitated by the internet and social networks. How to act? Who to trust?

Our method
Assessment of the situation and difficulties
Sources of income, expenses, charges... We visit each family that requests our help to assess the situation and see how we can help them.
Analysis of concrete impact possibilities and intervention proposals
Depending on the situation, we list the concrete actions we could take to support the family. We reflect together on the benefits of each one in order to define their advantages.
Definition of priorities
After analyzing the possible measures and taking into account their impact in a holistic way, we define the priorities for intervention in order to act quickly, effectively and bring about positive changes over time.
Implementation of actions
Once we know how to help, we define the budget and the actions needed to implement it. We coordinate the various logistical aspects and work to find the necessary funds.
Evaluation and monitoring
We evaluate the impact of our actions and learn from our mistakes. We adjust our interventions according to people and needs. We replicate good practices to help more people.
Our mission
To believe is to be able to act together, so by acting all together, whatever our country, we can give back hope and joy where there was none.

Our volunteers
Meeting with the team
We all have to learn from our environment and our encounters. Each individual is unique and that is why we have decided to intervene and change the world at our level.

Sebastian, a Venezuelan who lives in Colombia and has created a local association, Afuera de la caja.
We are a non-profit foundation created on February 17, 2018 in Venezuela. And relocate to Cali, Colombia.
What do we do? We help the most vulnerable populations in each municipality of Cali in different aspects such as food, clothing, medicine and professional support.
Our goal Encourage citizens to have good values through our activities in the different regions.
What do we want to achieve? Our vision for the future is to become a home and help many children in Latin America.
What does the name mean? Afuera de la caja = To get out of this box in which everyone lives daily with their problems and thus be able to visualize the different solutions that there are.

I am the one who has decided to act for others, the one who will not regret not having done anything, the one who tries not to close his eyes to the misery and distress of certain populations.
I help the most underprivileged populations of South America with my personal funds (sale of objects and clothes, personal savings...)
I provide financial and logistical support mainly to the most needy families.
It is the story of a meeting and I thank all these families for their kindness, their smile, their desire to give a better life to their children, they learned from me and my country and I learned so much from them!